HEWI committed to climate-neutral region

People are increasingly feeling the effects of climate change, and there is no denying that the associated impacts are spiraling out of control. The +2 degree target already set can no longer be achieved with current measures. It is primarily for this reason that the German government has once again tightened its climate targets in an amendment to the law that came into force this year.

The goal will be to be climate neutral as the Federal Republic of Germany by the end of 2045. HEWI is doing its part to achieve the goal in the region as co-initiator of the association "Mission Zero - Climate Neutral Waldeck-Frankenberg". "With the foundation, we are giving the starting signal for a unique alliance that is working together for a climate-neutral region," says Prof. Dr. Markus Pfuhl, who was elected as chairman of the non-profit association.

Many counties are already taking measures to protect the climate, but the initiative is forcing a special alliance from business, politics and society. ProjectZero in Søderborg (Denmark) serves as a positive example. Since 2007, efforts have been underway to make the city climate-neutral, and the successes can be seen with a reduction of 363,000 tons of CO2 - equivalent to 13% of the annual emissions from electricity consumption in the city of Frankfurt. Søderborg wants to be climate-neutral by 2029.

"Climate-neutral Waldeck-Frankenberg" is the start of an initiative with the vision of achieving climate neutrality in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district by 2035. In addition to the 14 founding members, a network is being set up with municipalities, associations and other institutional supporters that identifies CO2 savings, identifies suitable measures for reduction and brings about the avoidance of new emissions.

A local network is being set up and assistance provided by experts through various exchange formats and the provision of volunteer climate ambassadors.

The initiative has been supported by the district from the outset and a regular exchange is maintained with the associated climate team. In this course, the elected district administrator has taken over the patronage. Other supporters include the mayors of the towns and communities, institutions such as the district craftsmen's association or the district farmers' association, and associations such as the Kaufmännischer Verein Frankenberg and FC Ederbergland.

In addition to HEWI, companies involved in the initiative include Viessmann, Fingerhaus, Continental Korbach, Edeka Schwebel, Weidemann, Hettich, EWF and EGF.


Anyone interested can find out more about the initiative or become part of it at

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